My Story of the War and My Business of Promotional Items

The war broke suddenly

One day, I woke up and went to work as usual, but then I was astonished to find that the stock markets index plunged all the way to the closing time, with not a bit of resistance. At that moment, I shall have realized that the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is for real, despite just a couple of days ago the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov smiled and covertly admitted that there is no plan of war on Ukraine. He fooled us all just like the Corona Virus did to us which comes back fiercely this March with a record case in many cities, such as in Shanghai, Hongkong, and Shenzhen, after we had a comfy and safe summer last year, assuming that all will would probably end this year.

The oil prices go sky-high

You know, well, maybe he was just doing his job. However, just as I am going to shrug my shoulder and dismiss my grudge on this poor Russian, one of my friends told me that the petrol price is jumping like a rocket, and it costs so much more to fuel up his car that he felt like he has risked his bit of fortune on this War, just like people there in Europe, living with the higher gas prices after the war started and crude oil price soared up.

No meat to anti Putin?

Well, I felt sorry for my dear friend and actually a bit happy as I am clever enough to have no car, though a little trouble cycling on rainy days, and I don’t need any petrol from the world, or mainly from Russia, which takes up 12.1% of the world oil production and 11.4% of the world export volume. And actually, I was more than surprised to learn that a German official advised people to have less meat to fight against Putin. Well, frankly, I just turned myself into a vegan a couple of months ago before the War, just as some little birds told me to cut off from any source of beef, meat, milk, or eggs. I guess I did my part for world peace long before it started, and was unaware of what I did.

At the start of a Depression?

As a discreet person, who always strives to make both ends meet, I tried to find out how the economy and the promotional industry would be changed by this War. To my surprise, from the long-term perspective, we have just entered into the depression phase of an economic cycle, with more uncertainty, less job…and hunger? maybe not that, as so many people around me are always eager to lose weight… Anyway, now in depression, the more depressed it is, the more sensitive people are to buy things and willing to choose more affordable goods. Well, that sounds like good news for our promotional products and giveaway items. Why not make our effort to sow in the winter and wait to reap in the spring? And it is said that the next revolution is likely to be the environmental revolution. A variety of environmentally friendly products such as clothing, housing, and transportation might be welcome by people. Oh, yes, a kind reminder, let's welcome the change in consumer attitudes and take a look at those latest eco-friendly promotional products in 2022 at the links below:

All right, to sum up, I loathe wars of any type, and of course, invasion is a no-no.

And stay healthy and safe, mate!

Picture of Angela Yu
Angela Yu

Hi, I'm Angela, the founder of Plantmax. These articles share knowledge about promotional products from a Chinese supplier’s perspective.

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