When it comes to advertising your business or organization, you have a lot of choices to choose from. From social media marketing to print advertising, the options are endless, but traditional promotional products prove to be the most effective. So, what type of promotional items do people actually like to receive? According to ASI's latest study, people prefer to receive the following 3 types of products.

#1. Eco-friendly Promotional items
In today's society, the concept of environmental protection is becoming more and more deeply rooted. According to a Nielson study, about 66% of consumers are willing to pay extra for environmentally friendly types of products. And they believe that companies that sell such products are more environmentally conscious and socially responsible. There is no doubt that eco-friendly promotional items not only meet the current consumer trend but also make your brand gain more consumers' goodwill.
Eco-friendly promotional products are generally made of natural organic materials. I have written an article detailing 4 of the latest eco-friendly products which are linked below.

#2. Unexpected Giftways
People always like those creative, innovative products that people didn't even know existed are sure to impress. From the recipient’s end, surprise helps to bring vitality to life. But when consumers keep receiving the same old promotional items over and over again, then the novelty quickly wears off. So, how can we surprise consumers in an unexpected way? I suggest you take a look at the following article, maybe it will give you some different ideas.

#3. Promotional items with high use value
Obviously, promotional items with high usage value will be used again and again by consumers, thus deepening their impressions of the brand. However, we often fall into a misunderstanding that products with higher use value are also more expensive? Of course not!
For example, we often use umbrellas, mobile power, and other such products, the cost is even less than 2 U.S. dollars, but they are often used in life scenarios. Therefore, we should think about how to choose promotional products from the perspective of close to life, rather than simply to measure the high or low price.
Thank you for taking the time to read my article. For more articles on promotional items, please visit our website: www.plentmax-promo.com